
Roadside Hawk
Rupornis magnirostris


  • Scientific name:

    Rupornis magnirostris

  • Family:


  • Genus:


  • Species:


  • Common names:

    Roadside hawk


  • Morphology:

    The roadside hawk is a small bird of prey with rounded short wings, long legs and long tail. Their head and back parts are brown-grey. They have a mottled brown breast which is striped whitish. The tail is dark brown and has between 3 and 4 pale grey bands with a white tip. The roadside hawk is 31 to 41 cm long and weighs 250 to 300 g. Males are about 20% smaller than females, but otherwise the sexes are similar.

  • Reproduction:

    Roadside hawks build nests from medium to high heights in trees. Nests are compact platforms built with twigs, leaves and tree bark. They lay 2 whitish eggs which are incubated in 37 days.

  • Diet:

    Feeds mainly on amphibious, reptiles, small mammals and insects, but can sometimes hunt small birds and even fish.


  • Range:

    Roadside hawks are found from northern Mexico to Argentina.

  • Habitat:

    They live in open to semi-open areas, forest borders, roadsides and plantations.


  • Hunting and human factor are the main risk factor for the nests and adults.
    IUCN Red List: Least concern.